Jillian Kidd

May 19 at 06:44 PM

yes they have defaulted on 3 counterclaims I sent to them and now wanting to respond after more than 3 months have past. They received it confirmation of the signed green card (return receipt) 3 months ago. The Default Judgment I will email the sample paperwork they gave me just unsure of how to write it since its from a lawyer to the defendant and not the defendant to the lawyer

May 15 at 10:57 AM

I checked with the civil court and they did not have any.....all forms of paperwork are for the lawyers not the defendant. They did tell me that I would need to file a default judgement I just don't know how to write it. If you wouldn't mind sending that template I would greatly appreciate it


May 13 at 08:27 PM

Mr Parker do you have a template for when the plaintiff does not answer a counterclaim and is now in default? Are there any templates on default judgments against plaintiff? I am learning that all paperwork is for the plaintiff (person suing you) and not the defendant. I'm unsure of how to write a default judgement


Apr 11 at 08:28 PM

I have a request for statement of damages and I don't know how to answer. In my counterclaim I stated the the company should owe me $5000 for my time and trouble of having to answer the original lawsuit against me. From what I looked up its states that I would have to submit a monetary list of damages. I'm not sure if I can sue for emotional distress as damages. Just totally unsure of how to answer please help!!!!!


Mar 22 at 03:33 PM

Hi Mr Parker I am being sued by a debt collector who has hired a lawyer to collect on the debt. I submitted my Answer along with the counter affidavit. I just received the Answer from the lawyer on my counterclaim. It looks similar to what I Answered. They are giving separate defenses on why the counterclaim should be dismissed and some of the wording I'm unsure of what to respond. They have not provided any information regarding my initial Answer to them. They are now requesting statement of damages as well as demand for production of documents pursuant to R. 4:18-2. I'm being giving 5 days from today 03/22/24 to provide this information. I'm unsure of how to respond please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You