Jacksonville, FL, United States

Attorney and member who has been practicing consumer advocacy for 30 years throughout the state and federal courts of our nation.


May 16 at 12:06 PM

How to Create Winning Discovery in a Debt Collection Case was just dropped. On live stream on youtube right now. About to film a new video on the live stream in 15 minutes just for the fun of it. Video inside a video. People asked for one on Mediation and ADR so I am doing a quick one to then post here. Let's see what happens. 😀

May 15 at 12:16 PM

Jillian, who has the default, you or the other side. If you are filing a default judgment, that means YOU have the default against them, yes? There are specific court forms you can use in your state. Just google Forms or Templates of a Default Judgment (for your state). It is the easiest and most direct way to do it in your state as I do not know what it is. A default judgment is a form minimally, or a court document you can create: both work. Look up the Court Rule in your state and just say Default Judgment and the Court Rule will tell you what to include. Good luck.

May 14 at 07:43 AM

See my last video on Pre-Trial Conference regarding Counter Affidavits. See them all. Thank you.

May 13 at 09:38 PM

Email me a brief question. Thank you.

May 13 at 09:36 PM

It is a simple default. Meaning, check your state rule as to what is included in the form (google Default Form in your state and there may be a form template already). Happy to send you a template if not but check out your public state data base first. File with the court and serve a copy on the other side. Will show your dominance. 


May 13 at 10:03 AM

Hey, good morning. I want to apologize for missing the Q&A Conference on Friday. I went off line Friday afternoon after I started getting a migraine. I laid down and woke up way past the 5pm start date. I will have it this Friday for you and will give you as much time as you all need. Hopefully see you this Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5pm (eastern time zone). I am also doing regular live streams on YouTube with the next one scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2024 around 7:30am Eastern Standard time. We have been getting visits on this live streams and I am trying to answer questions from the chat room as they come up. Thank you for your patience on this. Brian Parker

May 13 at 06:53 AM

You got it. Which ones do you need? Thank you.

Brian Parker



May 10 at 09:21 AM

See our new video that just dropped last night on how I handled a Summary Motion using the documents of the Debt Collector against it. In fact, all my defense and responses (for both motions I argued against LVNV this week) are based upon the documents from Plaintiff to prove that there was a Material Genuine Dispute as to who owns the debt. In two Motions to Dismiss, two days in a row, we won both along with a Court raising eyebrows as to the uniqueness of my position and granting us further discovery or proofs. I show you some very interesting signatures for you to review and make your own interpretation as I think the court will: LVNV has filed the same motion, with the same paperwork against another LVNV client of mine using the same documents I point to in my video. Check it out.

Also, big news: We are live everyday for the world to stream. Its just me in my spare bedroom working the cases in two states and handling client calls (muted) and I am trying to get permission to record a hearing or two. Will turn the recording into a video when I do get permission to record and show you how a pre-trial, motion or any court appearance can go. So, stop by the live chat and say hello.

Speaking of Live Chat's we have Q&A set for today, May 10, 2024  at 5pm Eastern Time for any and all questions on how I do this law stuff. Hope to see you there.

Side note: I run all my videos on YouTube but without the important Word Templates and other documents you receive with your membership. Now, I am only showing 8 minutes of any video in YouTube and the only way for anyone to see the whole video and obtain and use the Word Templates is by being a member here. Thank you for your investment in the Membership site. Brian Parker


May 06 at 10:39 AM

Check out the new video with the PDF CheckBox (or list) Cheat sheet (and video) for any general collection lawsuit defense. Trying to go as deep as I can for you in helping you along the way with your particular case.  Doing videos on defense against two Barclays Card lawsuits and then a debt buyer case (PRA) with fun review of data extensions and a false Affidavit. Hope it's fun somehow. I love catching debt collectors filing false paperwork which sadly, they get away with, 9 out of every 10 filings as most people don't fight back. That is the reason for this site. Hope they are easy to watch.  I will probably file the "fun" one first and drop it today. 

Let me know if anyone has a video or a thought in mind for future fun things to show. We are continuing our nuts and bolts approach in breaking stuff down with more Parker Law Library videos. If anyone has a definition they want me to do a brief video on, let me know. Thank you. Brian Parker


Apr 29 at 10:34 AM

See our new front page as we continue to add to and change the site to make it better. Today we are dropping small videos for Parker's Law Library that we will add to as time permits or the members ask for definitions or procedures explained. So, if there is something you want defined or a procedure or litigation approach explained, I will respond with a quick video on it. There are a ton of possible videos in this vein so it will be constantly added to. Any feedback on this is welcome. Should drop today. Thank you, hope you are all doing great. Brian Parker